Saturday, June 9, 2012

Lake Down 15 feet in November

Haven't had much to say over the last year.  Alcoa has done a good job of keeping the lake level within the target of 0 - 2 feet down since last July 4, even with drought conditions in the Yadkin watershed.  BTW, I just saw that, with the recent substantial rains, North Carolina is now drought-free for the first time in several years.

The saga continues with the state (initiated by Stanly County) trying to block Alcoa from getting their new 50 year license.  The trial over the validity of the 401 Water Quality Certificate is scheduled to begin in December.  That certificate is the only thing still holding up FERC granting the new 50 year license.

I attended a meeting last week on the Badin Lake Sediment Remediation Project.  This is a plan to remove/cap sediments containing carbon and PCBs near the closed Badin Works aluminum smelting facility in Badin.  Alcoa, the NC DENR, and the EPA say that there is no imminent danger from these sediments from runoff that occurred 40 or more years ago, but they want to ensure that there is no possible chance that the sediments will migrate to other areas of the lake.

The plan is to lower the lake 15 feet down in November, 2012.  This will leave all piers and lake access areas high and dry.  They will lower the lake and excavate sediments that are exposed and put a sand/rock cap on those sediments that are still under water.  Alcoa expects the actual construction time to be a week to 10 days in November (lake at its lowest), but it will take some time (weeks) to lower and then raise the level of the lake.  The timeframe is based on getting the necessary approvals in time, so it may be the winter of 2013 instead of 2012 since they don't want to lower the lake in the fish spawning/recreational times.

You can see a brochure (PDF) about it at and additional information at

Wishing you a great time on the lake this summer.


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